05 February 2024

Budget Tips: why you should participate and how your input is used



National Treasury answered our questions about the Budget Tips initiative


-In what year was the Budget Tips initiative launched?

Response: In 1999 by then Minister Trevor Manuel.


-How many Budget Tips were received in the past three years?

Response: 341 tips were received in 2021, 980 in 2022 and 2385 in 2023.


-What does the Treasury do with the input received?

Response: Every input is read and 10 of the most impactful tips are selected. These are sent to one of the divisions within the National Treasury that are responsible for the Budget, where a further selection of 5 tips is made. These are then sent to the Ministry where one winning tip is selected. The tip would then be included in the Minister’s speech and the winner mentioned in the speech.


-Why should South Africans participate in this process?

Response: To voice their opinions and make their voices heard on issues of national importance and budget allocations. The Budget affects each and every citizen. Their participation also contributes to the rankings South Africa receives in various indices in which it participates, such as the Open Budget Index which has public participation. National Treasury uses the tips and any other platform to reach out to the public.

-Having analysed the input received over the years, what can you comment about:


a) the types of issues and priorities South Africans raise:

Response: They are often focused on frontline service delivery areas of the budget—and any topical issue at the time. Among others, South Africans want to see a Budget that works for the people; more allocations for health and education; tax relief for businesses and individuals, to name but a few. Some people also use the platform to share their struggles with ministers and request that they make a budget to meet their needs, while others send advice to ministers.


b) budget literacy in South Africa: 

Response: It is one very important part of public participation. With a higher budget literacy in a country, public participation yields better results. In that regard, Vulekamali Phase 2 has a particular focus on that- enhancing citizens' budget literacy.


Submit your 2024 Budget Tips here


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